Cameroon Young Jurist Legal Resource Center

Legislation Adopted

CYJULERC has adopted the enactment; empowerment and enforcement strategy to enable her achieve her goals of securing women and children’s rights; and the rights of marginalized communities. As such, advocacy for the adoption of legislation is a key activity in all our projects.

After ten (10) years of advocacy with national and international stakeholders, CYJULERC’s is proud to have lobbied for the adoption the following legislation in the Cameroon Penal Code of 12 July 2016:

  1. Criminalizing FGM – Section 277 (1);
  2. Criminalizing Breast Ironing – Section 277 (2);
  3. Criminalizing Bondage of Persons – Section 342;
  4. Increasing Age of Marriage from 14 for girls and 16 for boys to 18 – Section 356 (2);
  5. Ensuring Equality in Age of Marriage for both boys and girls – Section 356 (3);
  6. Criminalizing Eviction of women from matrimonial home by spouse or family – Section 358 (1);
  7. Ensuring Equal standards of Adultery for men and women – Section 361