Esther received her L.L.B. in English Private Law from Yaounde University in Cameroon in 1996. She then earned her L.L.M. in Business Law also from Yaounde University. Subsequently, Esther has completed training courses on gender and the law, human rights and mediation, as well as receiving a postgraduate diploma in Magistry. In 2003, Esther founded the Cameroon Young Jurists Legal Resource Center (CYJULERC) and has served as the President since its inception. Esther also served as a Judge and Inquiry Magistrate for the Court of First Instance in Buea. Esther has published many works on women’s rights, including research on female genital mutiliation (FGM) in regions of Cameroon and a paper on possible ways to eradicate FGM in these regions. She drafted a law to criminalize FGM in Cameroon and organized advocacy workshops with female parliamentarians on the issue. Esther is a member of the International Center for Dispute Resolution, the Young International Arbitration Group and the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Club. Esther’s fellowship is supported by Georgetown Law and the Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation.