Professional Experience
- Since July 1989: Magistrate
- Since April 2005: Head of Training and Internship Service, Ministry of Justice
- January 2001 – April 2005: Assistant Research Officer, Ministry of Justice, Department of Legislation
- Involved in updating the Cameroonian Penal Code
- Secretary of the National Commission for the Reform of Criminal Legislation
- Participated in the review of the draft Code of Criminal Procedure
- Member of the National Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Application of ILO Conventions in Cameroon
- Representative of the Ministry of Justice in the Technical Committee for the Development of the MINAS Sectoral Strategy
- Associated with correcting entrance exams for the ENAM Judicial Division and as a jury member
- Head of the Magistracy Section at ENAM since October 2002
- Associate Lecturer at ENAM
- February 1999 – November 2000: Judge, Court of First Instance of 1st Class of Garoua
- Responsible for hearings of flagrant offenses, social cases, the Court of First Instance, and conciliation
- Responsible for internships of trainee judges
- May 1994 – December 1998: Judge, Courts of Guider
- Responsible for the Criminal Chamber of the High Court and the Civil and Social Chambers of the Court of First Instance
- July 1989 – March 1994: Deputy Public Prosecutor, Courts of Kribi
- Responsible for judicial inquiries of juvenile cases, communicable cases, and correctional hearings
Experience in Human Rights
- Since 2002: Responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the Ministry of Justice
- Since 2002: Responsible for monitoring the cooperation program with UNICEF
- Coordinator of technical workshops for the development of the preliminary draft law on the Child Protection Code in Cameroon (2003-2004)
- Member of the National Commission for the Protection of Children in Moral Danger
- Associate Lecturer at the Catholic University of Central Africa (Peace, Reconstruction, and Transitional Justice courses in Master 2)
- Expert in children’s rights, particularly in juvenile justice
Publications and Communications
- Numerous presentations and publications on legal and human rights topics, including:
- Abortion: legal and ethical questions
- The gendarmerie, the law, and the authority of the State
- “Popular” justice
- Responsible parenthood: legal and ethical aspects
- Legal protection of children in conflict with the law
- Legal protection of orphans and other vulnerable children in the context of AIDS
- The administration of justice for minors in the new Code of Criminal Procedure
- Violence against women: solutions in Cameroonian law
- Traditional chieftaincy and criminal law
- The death penalty: what outcome in Cameroonian law?
- The African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights
- The legal status of women in Africa, the case of Cameroon
- International and national legal frameworks for combating child trafficking
- The child facing the incarceration of his parent: report prisoner – justice – family: what interest for society?
- Author of several publications, including:
- Analytical Compilation of Instruments for the Protection of Children’s Rights in Cameroon
- Comparative Analysis of Cameroonian Legislation on Children in Light of the CRC
- Contribution to the development of a training manual on combating child trafficking
Seminars and Conferences
- Participated in numerous national and international seminars and conferences on legal and human rights topics, including:
- Continuous training of magistrates on children’s rights
- Mediation and conflict resolution
- Refugee rights
- International seminar on children’s rights
- Children’s rights and adolescent reproductive health
- UN General Assembly special session on children
- Juvenile justice training workshops
- Training of trainers on combating child trafficking
- Pan-African Course of International Humanitarian Law
- Workshop on the development of a training manual on combating child trafficking
- IOJT meeting in Barcelona
- Sub-regional consultation meeting on child trafficking in Central Africa
- Workshop on the human right to peace
- IOJT congress in Sydney, Australia
Community Involvement
- Member of the Cameroonian Magistrates’ Association (Deputy Secretary General)
- Member of the Diocesan Commission Justice and Peace (Diocese of Garoua)
- Founding member of “GRAIL” (Reflection, Research and Action Group on Local Initiatives)